Our Developmental classroom approach is based on researched international standards, and on best practice techniques. Our daily learning programme is individualized, and partners special education techniques and therapy intervention to harness the potential of each child.
Each classroom environment includes a Senior Educator (a qualified and experienced therapist or teacher), and a Junior Educator (qualified and experienced assistants), who are supported by a team of certified therapists, including Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists. Our teams use a transdisciplinary approach to create individualized programs for every child to ensure they reach their developmental milestones. We then use skilled volunteers to support us in implementing these programmes during the child’s day.
We also offer a Prevocational Curriculum, especially for our older students (10-15years+). This curriculum aims to develop work habits and employability skills so that our students can one day become contributing members of our society. Students participate daily in Prevocational Clubs learning and practicing skills in Hospitality, Administration, Agriculture, Technoloy and Home management spheres. We start exposing our students to these focus areas in the Junior classes to see where they develop interests and skills. Our hope is that our students will leave Khanyisa with a skill set that allows them to earn a living, by partnering with different sectors of business who will provide on-site training and then finally employment.
Classes run Monday – Friday, from 7:30 – 1pm. We divide the year into four terms, that largely reflect the private school’s dates.