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Our team of highly qualified and experienced staff will facilitate your child’s development every step of the way, creating opportunities for growth within a rich learning environment. This means that at Khanyisa each child receives the support they deserve, and have a right to access.

We believe children with different needs are valuable and have much to offer our communities. We believe they can become contributing members of society who can fulfil roles and responsibilities, making a unique contribution to society. We believe that each child with different needs has great potential and we feel it is our responsibility to help uncover it and tap into it, helping them to shine bright. Khanyisa is an Isizulu word meaning “where light comes from”. Since 2013, we have been bringing light back to the lives of children who have different needs, and helping them in turn to become bright lights in their families and communities.

#NoSpecialNeedsJustHumanNeeds.  #WhereLightComesFrom   #KhanyisaCentre


Early Intervention

Pregnancy – 3 years
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Developmental Classroom

3 years – 15 years

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Family Support

All ages

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Early Intervention

Pregnancy – 3 years

Since 85% of our brains core structure is developed by the age of three, early intervention for a child with different needs is critical. Our Early Intervention programme was developed to give children with different needs an optimal chance to overcome any limitation they may face due to their diagnosis.

A team of Early Intervention specialists guide parents through each step, helping them to learn how to interact and support their child whilst promoting development. Bi-weekly parent-child floor time sessions harness the child’s connection with their caregiver in a positive and playful environment. These sessions aim to facilitate the holistic development of each child – including their communication, motor movement, and sensory awareness.

Developmental Classroom

3 years – 15 years

Our Developmental classroom approach is based on researched international standards, and on best practice techniques. Our daily learning programme is individualized, and partners special education techniques and therapy intervention to harness the potential of each child.

Each classroom environment includes a Senior Educator (a qualified and experienced therapist or teacher), and a Junior Educator (qualified and experienced assistants), who are supported by a team of certified therapists, including Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists. Our teams use a transdisciplinary approach to create individualized programs for every child to ensure they reach their developmental milestones. We then use skilled volunteers to support us in implementing these programmes during the child’s day.
We also offer a Prevocational Curriculum, especially for our older students (10-15years+). This curriculum aims to develop work habits and employability skills so that our students can one day become contributing members of our society. Students participate daily in Prevocational Clubs learning and practicing skills in Hospitality, Administration, Agriculture, Technoloy and Home management spheres. We start exposing our students to these focus areas in the Junior classes to see where they develop interests and skills. Our hope is that our students will leave Khanyisa with a skill set that allows them to earn a living, by partnering with different sectors of business who will provide on-site training and then finally employment.

Classes run Monday – Friday, from 7:30 – 1pm. We divide the year into four terms, that largely reflect the private school’s dates.

Family Support

All ages

This is head up by Khanyisa’s parents committee in collaboration with some staff, where regular groups are run that allow parents to connect and feel supported and understood. It’s also a great forum to share useful resources and contacts as a parent of a child with different needs.

Some family support meetings include professional training, or input from counsellors. These gatherings are open to anyone in the community who has a child with different needs.

Contact one of our parents for support:


Currently Khanyisa does have a waiting list. This typically means that there is a bit of a wait before full time enrollment into our classroom environments can occur.

We encourage parents who want to enroll their children into Khanyisa, not to be discouraged by this, as we have excellent bridging and ‘waiting list’ services that you can access until full time enrolment happens.

Join the Waitlist

And then what…

Khanyisa has a simple enrolment process that guides your child’s admission:

Step 1. Look-see

Meet with one of our team members and take a tour of our premises to see Khanyisa in action.

Step 2. Assessment

Book an assessment with our enrolment therapist.

Step 3. Bridging

Receive therapy in order to prepare your child for transitioning into our environment full time.

Step 4. Enrolment

Once the child is ready to enroll full time, they join our daily classes.